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Getting your x-rays done at the chiropractor is easier than ever. Gone are the days of waiting for the x-rays to be processed, or going to an imaging center to have x-rays sent to your chiropractor. Element Chiropractic now has its very own digital x-ray machine in their office!
Low back pain is one of the most common reasons people miss work, and seek out chiropractic care. Low back pain is caused by many different reasons, some are obvious like falling or that extra deadlift at the gym and others seem like they come out of nowhere - “I just woke up with it.”
Not all headaches are created equal, from eye strain all the way up to migraines. Learn how to tell the difference and what you can do about it.
Learn about the things you can do to reduce your chances of getting osteoporosis and things you can do to reduce the risks if you already have osteoporosis.
TMJ is a huge bummer and can affect your daily life. Learn about some of the symptoms of TMJ and what you can do about them.
After an auto accident, make sure you’re not making any of these 10 mistakes that could jeopardize your health care, result in unexpected bills, and cause far more stress than you started with.
Smart phones have become a part of our daily lives and we literally have movies, games, the internet, countless helpful apps and texting at our fingertips. But all of this convenience has left us with some bad habits that can have some health consequences.
This article investigates 5 main causes of foot pain, and how you can relieve it, with the help of targeted chiropractic treatment, so that you can get back to doing what you love.
Staying active is important for your cardiovascular health, here are some activities you can do at home.
Choosing a chiropractor is an important decision. Learn about some of the different approaches chiropractors use to treat their patients.